A person who never made a mistakes never start something new

Sunday, November 24, 2013

"Make Me Strong"

I know I’m waiting
Waiting for something
Something to happen to me
But this waiting comes with
Trials and challenges
Nothing in life is free
I wish that somehow
You’d tell me out aloud
That on that day I’ll be ok
But we’ll never know cause
That’s not the way it works
Help me find my way

My Lord show me right from wrong
Give me light make me strong
I know the road is long
Make me strong
Sometimes it just gets too much
I feel that I’ve lost touch
I know the road is long
Make me strong

I know I’m waiting
Yearning for something
Something known only to me
This waiting comes with
Trials and challenges
Life is one mystery
I wish that somehow
You’d tell me out aloud
That on that day you’ll forgive me
But we’ll never know cause
That’s not the way it works
I beg for your mercy

My Lord show me right from wrong
Give me light make me strong
I know the road is long
Make me strong
Sometimes it just gets too much
I feel that I’ve lost touch
I know the road is long
Make me strong

Sami Yusuf

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Is it a jail or what ?

Aku, aku rasa macam keluar dari penjara. penjara yang sangat penuh derita, sengsara yang boleh mengecilkan jasad fizikal seseorang. aku rasa ditarik ditolak . Bagai patung yang di robek. Tapi aku bagai bahagia diluar. sejurus tamat tempat yang banyak mengajar atau kira aku cakap menyeksa aku. aku rasa sungguh bahagia. tiada batas nafsi nafai yang sekian aku dakap kuat bagai terlerai dan aku biar..

Biar tapi hati kuat mengatakan rindu.

dan makin lama aku lenyap . ku kira ku kuat lagi. Lebihan aku lupa, tumpul pemikiranku stelah lama aku asah. tumpul. Habis.

Dan sebenarnya sakit itulah manis yang aku porak peranda sendiri kemurahan yang bagiku emas sementara.
Maaf , maafkan aku. Aku zalimi diri aku. Lagi

Dan ini kah yang kau katakan pahlawan !

Monday, October 14, 2013

Sains Ukur dan Geomatik : Semester pertama , part 1

Assalamualaikum wbt,
introduction for course quite good. They say it has a lot of job oppurtunities in this surveying science course. First Class introduce is SUG417 : Field Astronomy. which teach us to find our azimuth (real position on earth) recording to position on stars. From here we can find the bearing and distances for making a traverse *If im not mistaken ! correct me. its fun though to know bout stars, celestial spheres and many calculations, too !
 Along in this semester, we have to submit our assignment : "Sun Observation" and everyday pass thru with the big cloud, rains and also late of setting the  Theodolite . Well, we are getting use to it. In Shaa Allah :)
  And, for others class also. For Principle Of Surveying : SUG418. We have to know the basic of how the surveyors work :) how to find our control point using prismatic compass.

For Survey Computations : SUG419 . We have to compute the data that we get after surveying the sites and also search for the miscalculations in data.

Computating 1 : SUG410 . we learn AutoCad.

Okay that is so basic for the land surveying course.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Memori Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor.

Pantai Kelanang. Kami mengadakan Jamuan kelas di pantai ini dengan aktiviti Barbeku dan Sukaneka

Bukit Jugra, Bersenam, Kerja Kursus Biologi



Miss this So Bad :/

Surau As-Suffi 

Matrikulasi ?

Assalamualaikum wbt :)

Nak kongsi pengalaman semasa saya di matrikulasiiiiii !
Okayyyy, sebenarnya nak sangat masuk matrikulasi. sebab bagi saya *nak kurangkan kos & nak cepat2 ke degree. but sebenarnya sama je nanti graduate dengan pelajar yang ambil diploma. But ikut Bidang apa yang kita ambil. But ni juga macam persediaan bagi pelajar ke universiti, sebab macam saya tak cukup matang rasa nak masuk universiti. Dan juga yang tak dapat sambung medic after spm pun boleh juga strive betul2 kat matrikulasi and boleh mohon for medic course. PNGK 3.9 above.

Berdasarkan pengalaman saya di Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor, Banting. Agak pendalaman dan dekat dengan Morib, Pantai Kelanang dan Bukit jugra.

Here's the tip for those who wants to continue their studies in medical field. From Kak Shahira who now further her studies in Dentistry in UITM Shah Alam.
-Jangan busykan diri kat benda yang tak penting
-Tak tengok cerita korea and etc kat hostel
-selalu siap homework *maths dia cepat gila siap -.-
-Jangan terlalu focus on koko
On top af all, Selalu solat,banyak berdoa, selawat dan zikir <3
Rapatkan silaturrahim dengan lecturer dan kawan kawan.

Involve in islam punya society (Persatuan-Assaf) tau. banyak faedah. Ukwah fillah abadan abada !

Another story about one of my friend- Dia pun cemerlang dalam matrikulasi. and apply jpa for luar negara. And Alhamdulillah dapat pergi Rusia September ni utk course medical.

jangan kurang keyakinan diri , even spm mcm dapat teruk. It can be fix. jangan risau. Selalu minta tolong dengan Dia tau. Allahu :')

My spiritual point start kat matrikulasi. By that time, Saya baru sedar betapa banyak dosa saya buat. *dulu saya sangat lain. macam rasa di awang awangan. rasa dunia ni mcm mimpi.OKAY. yang tu cerita panjang.
nanti kita cerita. okay !

“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib suatu kaum kecuali kaum itu sendiri yang mengubah apa apa yang pada diri mereka ” QS 13:11

Bersama-sama berjuang !


Broken-Zain Bikha

Ya Habibti (Oh my sister), fear not, Allah’s help is near
It may not be when you want it but soon you’ll see it clear
That you’ve been tested and been tried for a reason
And that which does not kill you makes you stronger so believe in
Never loose hope
And cling tight
To his rope
Know surely after difficulty
Ease is where you’ll go
Beneath which rivers flow
Endless treasures troves
And purified souls
Is the promise that is given to those who persevere
So remember God and keep Him near
I swear to you if you keep faith the picture will get clear
That you are being prepared for something greater listen here
I swear to you if you keep faith and not fall in despair
Allah will heal you make you better and ease all your fears
And you’ll no longer feel broken

A song by Zain Bikha eldest son. Rashid Bikha. I found it on Tumblr. The rap part are very nice.
Some kind of support when you're in broken, who knows right.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Thank you!

Assalamualaikum wbt.
Last few weeks , i have been searching information about "Sains ukur dan geomatik" courses that i will be taking soon on 1st september 2013. and this blog : Geomatik , was so helping. It writes about experiences that she goes through and who knows it was very beneficial to some people. Thank you kak khadijah nas.

I really like to cook, and planned to take courses in culinary, but my parents knows best. they know how i cooked and their friends experience in culinary courses. how im really tough to do the cooking my whole life.
So, i think that i will stick to cook for your love one only. and the main thing is. I thought that making tiramisu was so hard and delicate, well with their superb taste of coffee and cream cheese. and this ! kak fatin liyana tiramisu recipe, easy !

And here another one ! Chicken cheese , i have baked it , but using popia crisp. aand burned on top. but the taste of the filling is superb !

So, this is my one and only post in english. tee hee